Thursday, 2 June 2016

Mackerel are in, Summer is here!

First day of summer yesterday and having relatively good weather I decided to make the most of it. The only problem was the intense northeasterly wind that was going to make things tricky for me. I thought that Neist would be sheltered enough and drove there a few hours before high tide. On arrival I was greeted by the multitude of tourists that are becoming more prevalent by the day...
Undeterred I made my way to my favourite rock spot, only to find it occupied by two other anglers...
I squeezed in next to them and started fishing the usual tactics.
The wind was really annoying and clearly affected the fishing as the others had only caught a couple smaller pollock. I persisted for a while thinking that the fishing will pickup near high tide but to cut a long story short, it didn't... I got a few 2lbers around high tide on Salty Bait and Texas rig with the occasional coalie but it was a grind. Before I called it quits I put on a 20g slow jig and worked it slow near the bottom at distance. I got a take soon after touchdown and some solid resistance. The fish was fighting harder the closer I was bringing it, with sharp head-shakes and unwilling to come off the bottom but I soon saw an orangeish  shape come up. Only after a second look did I realise it was the first ballan wrasse of the season! a nice fish of about 2lbs... I picked the leader to haul it on the rock and just then it got unhooked and went back into the sea! I just wanted a photo...
Anyway I decided to move soon after this as I wanted to scout a new mark.
had to work hard for it...

They were close in and close to the bottom..

After a short drive I was in Orbost where I stopped to fish. To be honest I just wanted to escape the wind and try out some of the hardbaits I bought all winter. I'm intending to use them in the shallow kelp-filled bays later in the season and I wanted to see how each one behaves. After giving the lures a good swim, I switched to a 20g metal jig and started fan casting and counting it down to get an idea of the depth and bottom composition of the place. Its a relatively shallow bay (deeper water on a good cast) with some vegetation that I believe would attract better fish later in the season.
As I was reeling in my metal, I felt some bites and struck. I was then met by weird resistance and after reeling in more I realised I had hooked a fish from the tail... What was important though is that it was a mackerel! They are here!
Quickly I tied on the sabiki teaser and proceeded in getting my dinner sorted. It took about 10mins and I had a bag-full of fresh mackerel to take home! A good end to the day.
First of the season!

Today the wind was even stronger and I drove South thinking I could avoid it. It wasn't meant to be though and after a couple fish I had enough. It was such a lovely sunny day but the wind just ruined it!
looks lovely but felt cold with the wind..

Still no blank though...
Video of the session.

 Tight Lines!

Gear used.
Rod:  MC KG Evolution KGS-902L, 2.7m, 7-23g.
Reel: Daiwa Freams 2500
Mainline: Duel Hardcore X4 PE 1.0
Leader: Duel Hardcore Powerleader FC 20lbs
Lures: metals with teasers and brass n glass Texas rigged softplastics.


  1. I have to say that if another angler pushed his way onto the mark I was fishing he would be told in no uncertain terms that such side behaviour would not be acceptable. It doesn't matter who the are or where they are fishing. Your attitude seems somewhat over aggressive and somewhat unfair on fellow anglers

    1. As we say in Greece ' All the GOOD people can fit in a place'.. The sea belongs to all my friend and if there is enough space for me to make a cast and land a fish then I will go for it... In Skye finding a mark crowded is very rare but it happens on Neist and you have to accept it when fishing there. Moreover i think I was more than courteous when I informed my fellow anglers that the fish were close in and near the bottom after catching my first one.
      You judge too quickly...
